Emulated, Not Exalted: Five Lessons from the Life of Mary, the Mother of Jesus

Mary is one we emulate in our witness, not exalt in our worship.  Whereas some take Mary too far in their veneration, we fail to take her life far enough in our observation.  What should we emulate from Mary’s life?

  1. Emulate Mary in her willingness to obey, regardless of the cost.  Unlike Zechariah who questioned the angel in doubt, even though he knew the promises of God, Mary submitted, saying, “Be it unto me, according to your word” (Luke 1:38).  She knew that, humanly speaking, her life would be a wreck.  How would she explain this to Joseph?  What would he say?  What will the authorities say?  Even with this, she obeyed–come what may.
  2. Emulate Mary in trusting God will keep His promises–and rejoice when He does!  Mary rejoiced that God kept His covenant promises given to Abraham, reinforced with David, and fulfilled in Christ (Luke 1:54-55).
  3. Emulate Mary in bring your questions and concerns to God–but do so in faith, not in doubt (see Zechariah’s mistake)?  Mary asked, “How can this be, since I am still a virgin?  Yes, Zechariah asked a similar question (“How shall I know this? For I am an old man, and my wife is advanced in years?”–Luke 1:18), but Mary asked in faith, not in doubt.  God knows the motives of our hearts, but He is also big enough to take our questions in faith (see James 1:5-8).
  4. Emulate Mary in recognizing that age has little to do with God using you.  Mary was a young teenager, Elizabeth and Zechariah were elderly–God used them both.  What a shame to hear young people tell or be told they are too young to contribute to Kingdom work.  What a tragedy to hear elderly people say, “I’m too old to do things–let the younger people do this!”  I pray this is not code for, “I’m too old to be of use to God.”  Nothing could be further from the truth.  Paul told Timothy not to let anyone look down on him because he is young, but to set an example in life, in love, in faith, in speech, and in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).
  5. Emulate Mary in treasuring and pondering all that God teaches you and shows you in your heart.  John MacArthur once said that the back doors to a church are often used as giant erasers, erasing what people have learned from the Word of God in church.  Mary absorbed all she saw, pondering and treasuring them in her heart (Luke 2:19, 2:50).  She did not deny what she heard and saw, nor did she forget.  She treasured!

No, we should not exalt Mary in worship, but we should emulate her in her witness!

Come what may!

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