Posts Tagged With: alternative lifestyle

What’s An “Alternative Lifestyle” Today? You’d Be Surprised


David Wise won USA Olympic gold.  But his personal life deemed by NBC as an “alternative lifestyle” caught much attention.  What was that lifestyle?

He’s in his early 20’s, married, with a child, goes to church, and has aspirations of being a pastor one day.

David Wise is at the top of his sport. He’s always smiling among his friends and competitors, however, he’s not like the rest of the field. He is mature.

Not to say the rest of the freestyle skiers of halfpipe are not mature, but Wise is mature far beyond his years. At only twenty-three years old, he has a wife, Alexander, who was waiting patiently in the crowd, and together they have a two-year-old daughter waiting for them to return to their home in Reno, Nevada.

As you read, you see another quote, “At age 23, he has the lifestyle of an adult.”  Last I check, 23 is classified as an adult, but since so many are staying “younger” nowadays and marrying later, no wonder this writer finds Wise so fascinating.  He has something most young 20-somethings don’t have…


I think my lifestyle — the fact that I have a little girl to take care of and a wife — really takes the pressure off of my skiing, because first and foremost I have to be a good husband and father. . . . When you’re out there skiing for something bigger than just yourself, it just takes a lot of the pressure off for me. I’m happy and content, fulfilled. I have an amazing life outside of skiing. I don’t have to perform at any time, I just get to go out and do what I enjoy doing.

Maturity… and perspective.  At 23.

No wonder that’s considered so ‘alternative.’

(HT: The Federalist)

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