Why Read Through the Bible in 90 Days?

After attending a men’s conference at my church, led by Allen Huth of the Ezra Project, I began reading through the Bible.  We were encouraged during the conference to take a part of Psalm 119 each day and a Proverb each day for a month; then move on to another portion in Month 2, then another in Month 3.

Yet, I felt God pressing me to do another Bible plan.  So, I looked through my YouVersion app for various plans that I could read through and listen to as I drive from Point A to Point B. So, I came across Read the Bible in 90 Days.  I decided to give it a go.  I started on Monday, October 27th and have kept up with it by the grace of God.  I love to read, and would read Scripture plus a number of other works.  But of late, with the nature of this plan and the time constraints this husband/father/pastor has, I’m finding myself wanting to get exclusively to the Scriptures during this season.

What has been the benefits?

  1. You are submerged in God’s Word.
  2. You are on the 50-yard line in God unrolling out His redemptive plan.
  3. You are forced to read passages that you would otherwise skip over because they don’t seem “relevant” to you—only to find out that they are.
  4. You recognize that the Scriptures contain some uncomfortable passages, especially in the OT, and have to deal with them in light of God’s holiness and His hatred of sin among His people. 
  5. You praise Christ the King even more—especially after reading how even the best kings of Israel and Judah failed at times or even all the time.  Christ, seated on His throne, will always rule with justice and mercy.
  6. You recognize the “types and shadows” found in the OT all point to the substance of Christ revealed in the NT (Colossians 2:16-17). 
  7. You recognize the need to permit the clear, literal passages to inform that which is unclear or symbolic. 
  8. You see how grace and the gospel are the common thread throughout Scripture—numerous times God preserves His people simply based on His covenant promises and not on their obedience.  Other times, you see how he judges them, only to restore them to the land and, more importantly, to “restore unto me the joy of they salvation” (Psalm 51:11-12). 
  9. In the end, we see who wins!

Sixty more days to go!  Can’t wait to share more with you!

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